Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Weight Watchers New Cheese Products: A “Cheesy” Love Story

“The rat takes the cheese…”

In celebration of Weight Watchers new cheese product line, I was asked to share my “cheesiest” love story with all you guys. Ummm, seeing how I am not really a romatical type (and tend to frown upon such “willy-nilly” gestures from boyfriends), I had to rack my brain to think of a time where I actually enjoyed such behavior. Now just to clarify, I’m definitely not any sort of curmudgeon, I’m just really practical when it comes this sort of stuff (afterall, I do work in finance).

As I was laying out the picnic set that I was sent by the WW team, I thought about the time my (now ex) boyfriend S prepared a lovely picnic for me in Central Park one weekend. S and I had both been working long hours that month (such the life of a banker), so it was so nice to finally have a free weekend to ourselves. For our date, I was expecting the usual NYC outing - trying out a new restaurant or seeing the latest Broadway show, so I was surprised that S showed up early in the afternoon at my apartment with flowers and a picnic basket in hand. “We’re going to Central Park” he said.

“UGH, couldn’t we just go to Sapa?” I thought, as visions of ants and other creepy crawlies danced through my head. However, I put on a brave face and went along for the ride.

And you know what? It was actually a really gorgeous picnic! S pretty much cleaned out Whole Foods so we had a bunch of yummy goodies to munch on and it was actually nice to get some fresh air (well as fresh as you can get in NYC) while enjoying a meal. Plus S (always the planner) brought a nice blanket so I wouldn’t get bitten by the bugs and a misting fan to keep us cool from the heat.
Note: not actual Central Park picnic (didn’t bring a camera) – this is the WW set for my indoor picnic party

So I don’t know if this can be called “cheesy” love story (although there was plenty of crackers and cheese consumed that day), but it was certainly pleasantly unexpected. S and I are no longer in touch but hey S, if you are reading this, I still have love for our “cheesy” fun date!


Congrats #47! - Kimberly
"On our first date, he really wanted to open every door. This would have been fine if there weren't a foot of snow to climb through. It took forever to get in and out and looked pretty cheesey!" 
Please email financefoodie [at] gmail [dot] com with your mailing address so I can send your prize! You have 2 days (48 hours) to respond or the prize goes to alternate winners

Weight Watchers and is giving one lucky reader a picnic basket filled with snacks (Kashi crackers, Emerald Nuts Trail Mix) and goodies (Hawaiian Tropic Sunscreen, wine opener and glasses, picnic blanket) and a sneak peak sample of the new Weight Watchers Spreadable Cheese Wedges / Cream Cheese Spread (ARV: $100).

I had a chance to taste test these cheese wedges and yum yum – so much tastier than the Laughing Cow (and with more fiber too)!

You can enter up to FOUR times:

1. REQUIRED: In my comments section, tell me you “cheesiest” love story. Obviously, your story doesn’t need to be as long or as detailed as mine (although feel free to write as much as you want!) STORY DOES NOT HAVE TO INCLUDE CHEESE!
2. Follow Finance Foodie on Twitter (leave a separate comment telling me this)
3. Reblog / Retweet this giveaway (leave a separate comment telling me this)
4. Stumble Upon or Digg this giveaway (leave a separate comment telling me this)

Contest ended Monday August 2 at 5pm EST. Winners will be chosen via random integer generator on announced on the site shortly afterwards that night!


Fun and Fearless in Beantown said...

My cheesiest love story was of course when Bret proposed at the Public Garden with bubbly, cheese and crackers. I was completely surprised and of course - I said yes!

Fun and Fearless in Beantown said...

Also, you know I follow you on Twitter (@funfearlessbean)

Amber said...

My cheesiest love story is a first date, where we went on a picnic but it was so hot that the brie cheese completely melted all over the utensils which made for a messy meal! I was so embarrassed!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I follow you on Twitter - I am @AmberGoo
Thank you for the giveaway :)

annulla said...

My cheesiest love story?

I had gone to San Francisco without understanding how cold the city by the bay can get at night. The first evening, my friends (who were residents), were showing me the sights, but I was freezing.

In an attempt to make me feel welcome and warm, they kept pouring cocktails into me. It wasn't working. I was shivering, my teeth chattering.

Finally, I noticed a man on a street corner and remarked, "I'm so cold and look at that guy -- he's wearing a sweater and a jacket. He should take one off and give it to me!"

And he did.

Carol Harrity said...

On a trip to Greece I had my first taste of feta cheese and loved it. They served it crumbled over slice tomatoes with a dash of olive oil.

Unknown said...

My husband and I had first started dating and he wanted to make dinner for me at his apartment. I came over and he had made meatloaf with cheese inside...meatloaf is the one food I cannot stand. I spent our dinner picking the cheese out of the middle of his meatloaf and trying not to hurl. It wasn't until many months later that I confessed my hatred of meatloaf.

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Twitter follower @auntiethesis

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...


shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Stumbled: auntiethesis
shel704 at aol dot com

Denise S. said...

My cheesiest love story was going on a first date to a restaurant where we had Mozzarella Sticks.

Denise S. said...

I follow Finance Foodie on Twitter: lazybones344

mar said...

My cheeiest love story was when I was a child. My boyfriend and I use to eat mudpies (just a little) that we made by my swingset in my backyard. Now that was true love!

cstironkat said...

My cheesiest love story was when my now husband bought his friend's car. We met in that car thru mutual friends and my husband bought it when he realized he was in love with me. We have been together 23 years, but the car is long gone.

cstironkat said...

I tweeted

Shanna said...

My cheesiest love story is when an ex from high school wrote on my car asking me out on a date.. Yeah..pretty cheeeesy!

Shanna said...

I follow financefoodie on Twitter

ky2here said...

Cheesiest but probably more creepy than cheesy. Just started dating and had never been intimate, dropped to one knee and proposed marriage.

After a dumbfounded shock, I just said, "No and I gotta leave now".

ky2here at msn dot com

ky2here said...

Twitter follower ky2here1.

ky2here at msn dot com

ky2here said...

Let's add a tweet:

ky2here at msn dot com


my cheesiest love story is when my ex propesed to me in the bak room over cheese pizza and movies- not really romantic and with my parents there

elizabeth p said...

My cheesiest story was the first date with my husband. He picked me up from school and took me shopping. We enjoyed a nice chinese dinner and then we strolled around a local pond and fed the ducks. I am queenesperfect at

Pets and their people said...

Cheesy love story......On my (now long time love of 30 years) honey and my first date, we went for Chinese Food at my favorite place. We were getting along great and he came across the table for our first kiss. I met him half way and my hair fell into the flaming pupu platter and singe. Here I was with blackened hair and stinking like burnt hair and he still fell in love with me that night.

Pets and their people said...

I follow on Twitter (@eyzofblu63)

Pets and their people said...

I tweeted

Venus Montoya said...

Cheesiest & romantic is since the day we met (which is over 25 years ago) my husband has always buttered my bread. No matter where we are. A few years ago I found out my dad has always done the same for my mom and they have been married for 50 years.

Anonymous said...

My cheesiest love story, Twenty years ago my husband aske me to marry him i was not having any part of it, he continued to ask and ask. So i let faith handle it we live in the desert it does not snow here. I told him if it snowed i would marry him. December 18 he woke me up and said we getting married and off we went to the justice of the peace when we walked out It stopped snowing.

waitressdani (at) hotmail (dot) com

Heather said...

My cheesiest love story is when my now boyfriend persistently found reasons to bump into me after meeting me, just to have conversations and "build a rapport" before working up the nerve to ask me out :) so sweet.

Heather said...

following on twitter

Sharon Harmon said...

I met my husband on the city bus! I always saw he carried the sports page, so the first time he sat next to me I asked him a sports question and he said I 'had him' at that! lol! He asked where I worked and called me that morning and asked me on a date! We've been married 12 years now!

Anonymous said...



mandala said...

Cheesiest love story - my bf (now hubby) went out to have a midnight date - we went to our university's soccer field, had blankets, food, wine and watched the stars.

mandala said...

Following you on Twitter (@mandalarctic)

buzzd said...

My cheesiest love story is going on a date, getting mozzarella sticks and the cheese was so gooey it made a mess. We laughed as it wasn't really cool and classy..but fun said...

We had cheese amd crackers on our first date.

allysona said...

my cheesest store was when i was making a spanish dish and a used the wrong about a mess..i was embarrased to serve it, i ran down the street to the local mexican resturant

Robertalee said...

Was invited to dinner by the sister of my then-husband, whom she hadn't seen for a while. Wanting to impress us, she made what she remembered as his favorite pie. The first bite of crust told us she'd inadvertently over-measured the amount of salt. Words couldn't describe the look on her face as she watched us politely try to consume it in vain.

littlelatina said...


Alex Gerli said...

This sounds too cheesy, but my love story I am in now started at the farmers market cheese counter, and she and I were talking about our favourite unpasteurised ones from Europe, it was love at first mold?

Alex Gerli said...

I follow on twitter as well

Unknown said...

I met my husband when he was working in a restaurant and I left a note with the hostess asking him out!

Deborah said...

While we lived in DC, R and I had a tradition of having a picnic at the Tidal Basin while the cherry blossoms were in bloom. We always had champange, cheese and crackers and "one different thing" for our picnic. asthenight at gmail dot com

Deborah said...

I'm following financefoodie1 on Twitter @AsTheNight.

Deborah said...


Deborah said...

I stumbled your post id: AsTheNight.

Unknown said...

My hubby purposed at the planetarium at our local musuem! It was so cool to me but I think my family thought it was cheesey!

Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!

Janna Johnson

Kimberly said...

On our first date, he really wanted to open every door. This would have been fine if there weren't a foot of snow to climb through. It took forever to get in and out and looked pretty cheesey!
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Kimberly said...

kirbycolby at gmail dot com

julis55 said...

My cheesiest love story is a first date, where we went he took me to McDonald's and we had burgers off of the dollar menu.

Jen lleras said...

my cheesiest story is really just that my husband and I fell in love back when we used to work together, he was my manager and i was much younger than him and at the time so it was like we were in love before we werwe really allowed to be. We ended up running into each other long after we both left that job and it was full blown lovey love love and we ended up getting married about three years after that :)

daisy351 said...

hm...I guess my cheesiest love story is when my now boyfriend came back to school after the holidays and told me that he and his gf had broken up and gave me a heart necklace to ask me out.

daisy351 said...

I follow you on twitter! yanksgrl24
adaisy351 at gmail dot com

daisy351 said...

I tweeted your contest:
adaisy351 at gmail dot com

Debbie C said...

My cheesy love story involves a guy long gone... I still have the ring he gave me. It's an old soda can ring broken off from the can. He stuck it on my finger in a whimsical moment. It was cheesy, but I was young enough at the time to think it was cute.

Debbie C said...


stracey2010 said...

the 1st valentines day after my son was born we didn't have much extra cash so after we put the baby to bed my husband went out to pick up a heart shaped pizza.while he was gone i set out a blanket and filled wine glasses.we had a great indoor picnic and watched a date movie while eating.

Unknown said...

Mine is my now Bf's and I....we met online shorty after I got divorced. I wasn't really looking for anything long term so we only went out a couple of times.One day he took me to a hotle for my birthday and a romantic dinenr with dancing. After that night we have't been apart since ...over 5yrs :)

Unknown said...

My "cheesiest" love story actually does include cheese. I am aware of exactly how weird this sounds, but cheese is what got my husband and I together. We met in college and were talking on the phone. We had not dated or anything yet, just talking on the phone as friends and trying to get to know each other. My hubby asked me what my favorite food was, and I hesitated. My favorite food is cheese. Always has been. I used to sneak and eat it all the time as a kid. Even as an adult, any food I eat is usually covered, stuffed, or on top of some kind of cheese product. So I was honest, and told him my favorite food is cheese, even though it was not really a "cool" food like pizza, sushi, etc. He was very silent on the phone. Turns out I met the only other person on earth that is as passionate about cheese as I am. That was over ten years and 1 child ago, but we are still a happy cheese-loving couple.

macd9900 at gmail dot com

Louis H said...

my cheesiest love story was when back in high school my then BF and me passed along cheesy notes - of course we got caught by the teacher who then read the notes loud in front of entire class

Louis H said...

following you on twitter at rosidentevil

Louis H said...

here is my tweet

h. mcnaron said...

I used to have a stuffed rabbit that I LOVED as a kid and kept it even into my 20s. It was truly falling apart and the guy I dated at the time actually made me a new bunny-- he sewed it himself-- and gave it to me for my birthday. It was the sweetest thing ever.


rah267 said...

crazyred61 at
My cheesiest love story:
The night my husband proposed to me he had a friend of his cook us a special dinner. The friend did not know I was allergic to milk, but knew my husband loves anything with cheese. Our chef made a fabulous chicken parm with fettucini alfredo, and steamed veggies. I went vegetarian that night. The meal and Scott's proposal was was beautiful

luckycat1818 said...

I guess our cheesiest love story is one of our first dates. We had a picnic in the park, including cheese and crackers. We fed the ducks, flew a kite and just had a fun time getting to know each other.


Amanda S. said...

My cheesiest love story was when I asked my husband to draw a picture of me for my birthday (he's an artist) and he drew a caricature. He thought it was a great gift, but it wasn't quite what I meant. Still sweet though! ;)

Allison said...

Haha. My cheesiest love story was when I met this guy offline that I had talked to for a while. We met, went to get lunch and I didnt want to eat a big meal in front of him, so I ate french fries. Thats it! He must have been more shy than me, he only ordered a drink! I am now married to that shy guy!

Email- sincerely_allison at yahoo dot com

SalanderServant said...

Actually re-enacting the Lady and the Tramp spaghetti leading to a kiss moment was pretty cheesy. Lol

Courtney said...

My cheesiest love story doesn't involve cheese (although I wish it had - cheese makes everything better!) but it's a funny one. When my husband proposed, he did it while I was doing dishes after dinner with friends at our house. He simply came up and asked me to sit with him on the couch for a second - I was sitting there drying my hands with a dish towel for crying out loud! - and said, "So....wanna get married?".

Super romantic he's not, but I love him anyways :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

Courtney said...

I'm following you on twitter (annasmama0702)

Courtney said...


JRG said...

Sent my spouse over 30 birthday cards for one birthday (in the mail), spread out over a period of days!

Nancy said...

Here's one I heard from a fellow teacher this year. She had 2 high school students volunteering in her 1st grade classroom - a boy and a girl. She could tell that the boy really liked the girl. The young Romeo designed a plan to put romance in action. He enlisted the help of the teacher and her students. The next time the girl volunteered and walked through the classroom door, here's what she saw. The first graders held up several posterboard signs with empty Orange Crush soda cans attached. Each sign said: Mary, Joe Will Be Crushed If You Don't Go To Prom With Him. (Names have been changed to protect the romantic!) Of course, she said yes! This story was the topic of conversation that day as the elementary school teachers ate lunch. We all thought it was so cute!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Melissa B. said...

My cheesiest love story is when my husband brought me red roses for valentine's day. I work with a lot of females, so he brought a single long stem white rose for each of them.

Steph said...

My cheesiet love story is back when me and my husband were dating, we were having some issues so I decided to move out for a bit. He put in ad in the lost and found for me....I still have it around here somewhere.

Steph said...


souldolphindream said...

When my ex felt the need to make homemade mac and cheese and when taking it out of the oven dropped the pan. I found little bits of cheese everywhere!

jennifer57 said...

follow via twitter


jennifer57 said...

My cheesiest love story.
As a kid I would dream of eating fried cheese. My love of cheese has always been obsessive!

diesel51 said...

My future husband had a a bachelor pad. We went there when the concert we were suppose to go to was rained out. It was more of a hurricane rain with winds and dangerous road conditions. Arriving at his pad, he opened the refrigerator and only had cheese, bread and some butter. Making grilled cheese, he didn't take the wrapper off one of the slices of cheese and the whole apartment smelled of brunt cheese.
We braved the rain and went to a restaurant.

SalanderServant said...

I follow you on Twitter. Fatally_Flayed

Becky said...

My "cheesiest" love story is when my (now husband) and I were in college, he sent me on a scavenger hunt back to the place we first met and gave me a promise ring. It was so great!

rebecca31604 at

ConiSu said...

I met my hubby when he was was a truck driver. He and the other drivers he ran with would stop at the cafe where I was a waitress. Shortly after we started dating the trucks pulled up one day and he hopped out of his carrying a huge Easter basket for me. All the other guys ribbed him, but I thought it was so sweet and thoughtful.

Allison said...

I am following you on twitter under x0xAllison.

Email is sincerely_allison at yahoo dot com

Frank said...

My cheesiest story is when I proposed to my now wife. I was so nervous driving to her house, I showed up and she was in her robe after just getting out of the shower. I couldnt wait any longer, so I popped the question and she said yes!

Frankneil2003 at yahoo dot com

k-team said...

My story is cheesy in a different way... I walked down the aisle with Elvis to my husband wearing his white wing tips in Las Vegas wearing a green sparkly dress. Cheesy to some, but the most fun I've ever had!

tina reynolds said...

My cheesiest love story was on my third date with my hubby he made me dinner and worked so hard, it was crazy, he made this bread loaf with cheese, I was so amazed at how hard he worked, I helped him clean up the kitchen which was a DISASTER Area, but it was well worth it.

tina reynolds said...

i follow on twitter @mrstinareynolds

Jinxy and Me said...

My cheesiest love story is that my husband took me on a secret vacation to do "cheesy" things I love like play mini golf and eat fast food all weekend long!

Jinxy and Me said...


Jennifer Neal said...

My story.. on a first date I cooked dinner, an Italian pasta dish.. didn't know til he got there that he was lactose-intolerant. Oops! So we went out and had the most delicious tacos. We're still together 6 years later :)

Janette said...

My cheesiest love story actually involves cheese. I had just started working and a wine and cheese shop when I noticed that a certain guy would come in nearly every day I was working. I figurede he just had a thing for cheese, but after a few weeks he told me his true intentions. He was asking me what my favorite cheeses were, and buying all of them. He asked me if I'd like to join him along with the few hundred dollars worth of cheese and wine that he bought. I agreed, and though our relationship didn't last long, that was one of the tastiest dates I ever had.

Janette said...

Following on Twitter @jsoldham

Sweeter the berry said...

My cheesiest love story was when my ex fiance made me breakfast on my birthday. It was scambled eggs, sausage and biscuits. I found out he doesn't even like eggs. He did it just for me.

Sweeter the berry said...

twitter follower/dahliamomma

Sweeter the berry said...

Valancia said...

Well I was head over hills for this kid when I was in my late teens and to be cute around him in hopes he'd like me I'd pretend to like his souped up blue 68' souped up camaro, I could care less about the care I just wanted him


Valancia said...

Following you on Twitter id- skyxsky27

idahomom said...

I met hubby on a cruise. We only saw each other 6 times over 6 months before marrying. Sixteen years later and still together.

idahomom said...

susansmoaks said...

i met my husband at a party. i saw him across the lawn and couldn't stop staring at him. he motioned for me to come over to him and i did. I asked him his name and he said mr smoaks. i said susan smoaks too! it was love at first sight!

susansmoaks at gmail dot com

susansmoaks said...
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

faithfullyfrugal said...

My cheesiest love story was when my hubby was still in college and money was tight. For Valentine's day he bought me plastic roses and we had a candlelight tv dinner. Believe it or not, it is a very fond memory even given the circumstances. Those are the times that you simply enjoy each other's company...simple yet enjoyable.

Thank you so much for the entry, it all looks yummy!

nikkidavissells at gmail dot com

faithfullyfrugal said...

I follow you on twitter, nikkidavis05.

Thank you,

nikkidavissells at gmail dot com

faithfullyfrugal said...

I tweeted giveaway,

Thank you,

nikkidavissells at gmail dot com

loni broesch said...

It may not be cheesey, but it is true. Here is the cliff's notes version. We met at a bar, got really drunk , puked all night long and have been together every since..that was ten years ago!

trippyjanet at hotmail dot com

loni broesch said...

I Follow Finance Foodie on Twitter (@trippyjanet)

trippyjanet at hotmail dot com

Kathy P said...

its kinda cheesy but sweet my hubby proposed to me in a woolworths store where they had the counter to order lunch..i think those stores are long gone anyway we were 18 and 19 and ordered cheeseburgers for lunch when he pulled out his grandmothers ring and asked me..i still pick on him today for being a big spender..haha well its been 25 years this past april and we are still kickin :)

Kathy P said...

Bev said...

My husband moved into the area without anything, job money, etc. We started dating a few days after he arrived in the area. Couldn't do much because of no money. When he did get a job, he took me for walk in the city and treated me to a hotdog and a strawberry milkshake from a street vendor... To this day, I still consider it my favorite date.

bevwhip at yahoo dot com

js22 said...

I had a first date with a guy who took me to a steak house. When we got the menu, I could see that he was surprised at the high prices. I ordered the ground chuck because it was the least expensive thing on the menu. When my meal arrived, he looked at it, and said "That's just a hamburger!' How embarrassing. And then to top it off, he paid the bill, but he didn't leave a tip. I couldn't figure out a way to discretely leave some money on the table. When he took me back to my house, he asked me how much my house had cost!! I didn't really think that was an appropriate question for him to have asked and I gave him a vague, non-numeric answer.
Needless to say, our first date was our last.

Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.

js22 said...

email in blogger profile.

susan1215 said...

My cheesest love story is when my husband took me out on our first anniversary to my favorite Italian restaurant where I had my favorite meal lasagna.

Unknown said...

My cheesiest love story was my hubby and I's first date - we went out to dinner, didn't eat a thing because we couldn't keep our eyes off each other. On to the lake for a moon lit stroll on the beach. Super sweet! trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

cman said...

We shared a meatball sandwich.. it was love at first bite LOL

07violet said...

my true love wrote poems for me, maybe cheesy to some but I think it's sweet

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

CarrieAnn13 said...

My cheesiest love story would have to be the night my former boyfriend took me out to stargaze on a mountain top with cheese, crackers, and sparkling cider - and it ended up being so cold out that we left after 5 minutes and drove the 30 minutes home and had pizza instead

degood said...

My cheesiest love story is that an old boyfriend of mine used to flatten my tires while I was at school and then always happened to be parked near me when I came out and always had an air pump to inflate my tires. He probably did it about 10 times before he asked me out and I said yes and only later did he admit that he would let my air out during lunch break.

Unknown said...

my cheesiest story was spending about 20 minutes in the cheese isle.

Anonymous said...

My cheesiest love story was our first date. We ended up eating at Ihop. Not the most romantic but we are still together after twenty.

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