Monday, January 17, 2011

Shape Up Series: A Souper Hearty Low-Cal Lunch

By: Finance Foodie

So another week has gone by, and it's time to check up on my New Year, New You Shape Up Series progress (be sure to check out week 1 and week 2 results/tips if you just started reading)! Before I go any further, I have to confess -- I had a "fall off the wagon moment" this week :( I ATE AN ENTIRE LARGE PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA IN TWO DAYS. That's right, 8 large slices of bacon and mushroom plus garlic butter sauce in 48 hours. Maybe it's because as a kid, the only time I'd ever got to eat it was at my American friends' birthday parties, but pizza has always been and will be my ultimate comfort food.

Anyways, I thought I could resist the temptation and eat one slice per day, but obviously, I ended up inhaling that baby like the world was ending tomorrow. Bummer!!! Luckily, I mostly exercised and ate right the rest on the other days, which helped offset the pizza indulgence.
The yummy but oh-so-bad for you pizza

With that said, let's get the skinny on what happened this past week.

Height: 5'1''
Goal Weight: 130lbs

Week 1: 140 lbs (Starting Point)
Week 2: 138lbs
Week 3: 137lbs (it's because I was extra healthy the other 5 days)

Goal Body Fat: 20%
Week 1: 25%
Week 2: 24%
Week 3: 24%

Weekly Exercise Plan (and actual results in red) 
Day 1: 45 minutes on the elipitcal trainer, level 5 – Check!
Day 2: 30 minutes on the recumbent bicycle, level 7; 30 minutes weight training using 5lb to 8lb weights – Check!
Day 3: 45 minutes on the treadmill, speed 3.5 , incline 2.0 – Check!
Day 4: 30 minutes on the recumbent bicycle, level 7; 30 minutes weight training using 5lb to 8lb weight – Check!
Day 5: 30 minutes on the elipitcal trainer, level 5; 10 minutes on the recumbent bicycle, level 7– This was the day I ordered the Papa Johns, instead of going to the gym after work. Ugh this is totally a Minus a Check
Day 6 &7: Rest – Check (although I should have made up for the skipped day on Day 5)

To be honest, I like working out and really have no problem getting my butt to the gym -- it's my eating habits that I need to really work on. As a food LOVER who can eat a lot, I constantly find myself hungry when I am trying to shed holiday pounds -- which causes me to overindulge in fatty foods later on in the day. Therefore, it's imperative that I eat more foods that are "voluminous" while being low calorie and still somewhat palatable.

And this is where my good friend and fail safe option of Mr. Progresso Soup comes in. During every winter's shape up, my kitchen cupboard is packed with cans of different flavors of Progresso Soups. Frankly, soup is totally not my favorite food, but I always feel super full and warmed up after a big bowl of Chicken Noodle, Clam Chowder, or Beef Stew -- plus it's super easy to toss in my bag in the morning for a quick work lunch (I don't usually have time for long lunches and usually eat at my desk). So this week, I want to share with you one of my diet tricks: the...

FF's Quick and Filling Lunch for the Busy Worker Bee*
--One can of Progresso Chicken Noodle Soup: 140 calories
--One Wasa Flatbread Crisp: 30 calories
--One can Low Sodium V-8 juice: 60 calories
*230 calories may not seem like a lot for lunch, but I eat about 6-7 meals a day, so each meal has to be small. Feel free to add to the lunch based on your own calorie needs.

Check back next week for another tip/trick/recipe -- and another giveaway ;) !


Congrats #9 - Wanda F! 

Progresso Soup wants to one of my reader's to take on my New Year New You Shape Up challenge and will gift one lucky lady or gentleman their own workout kit to do so. This kit includes a yoga mat, water bottle, aerobic bands, sport headband and wristbands, and a coupon for a free can of Progresso Soup! 

(PS For those in search of bigger prizes, Progresso is also offering a full-makeover trip to NYC as part of their Souper You contest. For more deets on this contest, check out their facebook page!)
There are THREE ways to enter for the workout kit
1. REQUIRED: In my comments section, tell me what is your favorite way to exercise? (Mine is the recumbent bicycle where I can watch my favorite shows while pedeling!). Also please include your email address so I can contact you if you win!
2. Follow Finance Foodie on Twitter (leave separate comment telling me this)
3. Reblog / Retweet this giveaway (leave separate comment telling me this)

Contest ends Wednesday, January 19, 2011 at 5pm EST. Winners will be chosen via random integer generator on announced on the site shortly afterwards that night! 
Disclosure:  Progresso provided the workout kit for my giveaway


Renee {Eat.Live.Blog.} said...

I completely agree, cardio in front of a TV! I love the old school norditrac!

Renee {Eat.Live.Blog.} said...

I follow you on Twitter! Its me, renh77 duh! :)

Renee {Eat.Live.Blog.} said...

And I am tweeting your contest!

Lara @ GoodCookDoris said...

I actually like to run outside! I get bored on the machines at the gym. If only the New England weather would cooperate for outdoor running!

Lara @ GoodCookDoris said...

I follow on twitter (@goodcookdoris).

Rachel said...

I enjoy doing water aerobics at the YMCA

Gloria L said...

Following on Finance Foodie on twitter @ GloriaL

JC said...

Wii fit is a great fun way! The elliptical is next, then if I am feeling dangerous I go for a bike ride with my dog.

wanda f said...

My favorite way to work out is my gazelle its so fun to use and I can set it up in front of my tv and never get bored . said...


Wendy said...

I know the feeling! I ate half a pan of brownies in a day in December D:

It's cool to see you be able to stick to the exercising :) Keep it up!

Miranda said...

I like running!

Miranda said...

Following you on twitter (eponine367)

mverno said...

i walk 3 miles a day 5 times a week and do various exercises st home ( sit-ups push-ups resistence work etc)

Anonymous said...

My favorite way to exercise is playing with my three kids. Riding bikes, hiking, swimming etc.

Anonymous said...

I like to run everyday.

hollandbeck 53 at yahoo dot com

great_boo_02 said...

My favorite way to work out is playing sports. Especially basketball.

slb3334 said...

Mine is walking as I live in a beautiful area.

Unknown said...

I am a big treadmill addict. Just turn up some good music to go me goin and before long I've walked/ran for 45 min. The benefits are wonderful!

Unknown said...

My favorite way to exercise is to go walk briskly around Disneyland Resort. I have an annual pass so try to get down there as often as possible. It is my happy place. When Disneyland is not an option I like to use the Wii Fit.

disneyfansbf at gmail dot com

(BTW I had a bowl almost identical to that green one I used all the time for years until I dropped it and it broke. Was my favorite bowl!)

Unknown said...

Following you on twitter as skybluefusion

disneyfansbf at gmail

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

thanks for the chance--the wii fit is more interesting way now--
kendraco22 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I like to ride the elliptical trainer.

jesskaufman at hotmail dot com

Ashley said...

My favorite workout, taking my energetic lab for a nice run.

Anonymous said...

I like to walk, especially in the early morning when there aren't too many people up yet. I can enjoy the scenery and seasons.

Deb K said...



Anonymous said...



fortune said...

I love my bike

kygirl said...

I walk on the treadmill.

Tipper said...

I am excited now that I live in town because I can take full advantage of the sidewalks. I go for walks with my daughter in her stroller. She loves getting out and about too!


Nickolay said...

My favorite way to exercise is to go swimming. I go swimming at least 5 times a week


Nickolay said...

Twitter follower



Nickolay said...



magic5905 said...

I use a treadmill and watch movies. Thanks.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

Doula! Liz Baer said...

My favorite way to exercise is lifting weights. So effective in so little time.

Anonymous said...

My favorite running
mistylimepink at gmail dot com,

Anonymous said...

I like to exercise by cycling!

llinda29 said...

My fave is water aerobics

Tammy said...

I like to play with my kids!

Hotsnotty2 said...

I love running the best, I try to do it 4 times a week. Thanks!

Hotsnotty2 said...

Following on Twitter (@Hotsnotty2) Thanks!

Melissa B. said...

I like to do workout videos in my living room with my husband and kids. We encourage each other.

DarcyO said...

Walking is my favorite way to exercise. I use Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds or go on the treadmill and listen to an audiobook.

dlodden at frontiernet dot net

DarcyO said...

I tweeted:!/darcy1956/status/27553442486550528

dlodden at frontiernet dot net

ard1977 said...

I have a Shake Weight and love it! I also like to play on the Wii Fit with my kids. Fun and good for you! Thanks!

ard1977 said...

following on twitter (amied027)

ard1977 said...


Hyosun Lee said...


theolotto said...

I like taking walks outside for the fresh air.

chazvgo said...

I like to take exercise classes :)
chazvgo at

tina reynolds said...

I love the treadmill I can get lost in my music while on it thanks for the chance to win

tina reynolds said...

I follow on twitter @mrstinareynolds

Dawn Reid said...

Walking, I walk every day

Dawn Reid said...

Follow Finance Foodie on Twitter

Summer said...

My favorite way to work out is to do a spinning class. I was always scared to try it but once I did, I was hooked.

summer.tidmore at yahoo dot com

Miranda Ward said...

i like to walk on nature trails It is so quiet and it takes me to a happy place I forget that I am excercising.

Summer said...

I follow on twitter. @summer2mommy

summer.tidmore at yahoo dot com

Summer said...

I tweeted.

summer.tidmore at yahoo dot com

susansmoaks said...

my favorite way to exercise is walking, i love to walk outside when the weather is nice.
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

susansmoaks said...

i follow you on twitter @fdp4life
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

susansmoaks said...!/fdp4life/status/27741201272672257
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Stephanie @ The Cookie Battle said...

My favorite way to workout is either running or's a tough choice. I've been running for a long time but Bodypump is my new love.

Golden Daily Scoop said...

My favorite way to exercise lately is Jillian Michaels Shred It video!

Stephanie @ The Cookie Battle said...

And I already follow you on twitter :)

Golden Daily Scoop said...

I follow you on twitter via @casualdish

Misusedinnocence said...

My favorite way to exercise is dancing! Jazz is the best! =)

Anonymous said...

I love to walk or run on the treadmill or outside, it helps to clear my mind.

Kathy P said...

i love walking on the treadmill :)

Kathy P said...

Charlene Kuser said...

My favorite way is bodyweight exercises such push ups, squats, lunges, squat thrusts, pull ups


Charlene Kuser said...

I am following you on Twitter


Charlene Kuser said...

Tweeted this:


Cassie M said...

I love adult dance classes, and being involved in musical theater is also a great workout for me!

Julie said...

My favorite is to walk outside-love it

Anonymous said...

My favorite way to exercise is to do yoga.

~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...

I like to run on the treadmill~ :)

~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...

Retweeted @lilshuga2001

jennifer57 said...

total gym

jennifer57 said...

Follow Finance Foodie on Twitter

littlelatina said...

enter me thanks

Anonymous said...

Six months ago my answer would have been taking the stroller for a push around the neighborhood while gabbing with my sister on a bluetooth for an hour... now though I've fallen in love with playing various Wii Fit games and gabbing on a bluetooth with my sisters for an hour... :) I like the feedback you get as well as the numerical metrics that are easy to compare against day to day and the encouragement the games give you. It helps my motivation.


Sand said...

I power walk on incline on the treadmill and also do The Firm workouts.

Unknown said...

My favorite way to exercise is to walk our two dogs

Unknown said...

follow you on twitter

Sandy said...

If the weather cooperates, I love to walk. Otherwise I use my Wii Fit.

Sandy said...

I'm a Twitter follower (slmiresse)

Sandy said...


Ami said...

I'm like you-the recumbant is the only way to go! I meet a friend and we talk.Time goes quickly and I have someone to keep me accountable.

lisaray said...

I do best when I work out with my trainer. I need someone (besides myself) to be accountable to!

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