By: Anne M. Raso
We can never resist a chance to hang out with the boys in the hit Nickelodeon show
Big Time Rush, even if it is just for five or six minutes before a performance. These guys are funny, silly, cute, smart and musical--and we were probably the oldest fans at the event. BTR is really getting noticed by pop fans old and young. Group member James Maslow (aka "The Abs") told me that he was recently very flattered when "Becks" came up to him at an LA event and asked if it was okay that the kids got a quick snap with the BTR boys! (Naturally, they said yes!) Carlos Pena told us he recently was next to Megan Fox on a red carpet in LA for a whole hour and was too shy to say hi!
Hanging out with the boys from Big Time Rush! |
The gorgeous 17-year-old actress/singer Victoria Justice (who is working on a debut album and is, incredibly enough, a vinyl record collector) hosted the Back To School event which took place on a big stage in front of Macy's Herald Square. Ms. J hosted a "real kids" fashion show and introduced the acts, which included Josh Golden, Charice and aforementioned Big Time Rush! All the stars of the shows sported clothes being sold at Macy's for Fall/Winter '10.
The talented Ms. J emceeing the show |
Sure, we loved the clothes and loved seeing kids from six to 16 modeling them, but what made the day were people with their mouths held open in awe of Charice's insane vocal range (Mariah Carey, move over) and Big Time Rush's sudden, ahem, rush to the stage! The boys were in town to promote their Nickelodeon concert movie, Big Time First Concert, which was filmed in Times Square recently and premieres on Nick this Friday, August 20th, at 8PM (EST). They also have their Sony debut CD coming out shortly which fans have been greatly anticipating.
Big Time Rush performing for the fans |
We were touched how their set was closed with everyone singing happy birthday to Carlos Pena and then a ton or so of confetti fell from the sky--onto girls holding signs saying things like, "I love you, Carlos!" and "I want to be famous!" (Big Time Rush has a song called "Famous.")
The fans come out! |
It was a special day for fans of both Nick teen stars and clothing--anyone who spent $150 in Macy's in the store got to come back for a meet and greet with all the stars and a special T-shirt commemorating the event! Never before has such enthusiasm for back to school shopping been shown by New York area kids!
As an aside, on our way in to shop, we also caught a glimpse of some of the Material Girl clothes designed by Madge's daughter Lourdes in the famous Macy's windows. All we can say is that you have to be a pretty liberal mom to let your daughter wear some of those outfits that look like Madonna's lacy numbers from her original heyday in the early to mid 80s!
[Photos: Anne Raso/Finance Foodie]
my niece is so jealous of Anne right now. She loves BTR!
Victoria is so gorgeous- that picture doesn't do her any justice
The one in the middle looks like Zac Effron
what really amazed me was Charice's vocal range... absolutely right, Mariah Carey, move over! She's gonna be on GLEE this season cuz she can definitely hold her own... can't wait.
@carissa hahah you're right!
@eve me neither - she is totally going to kill it on GLEE
SO jealous Athena - you get to do the coolest events! Even though I'm old(er) I still love BTR!
Great story - Please follow us on twitter!
It will be awesome to see RUSH perform MOVING PICTURES in it’s entirety. I was able to see Rush 3 times on the original Moving Pictures tour, Max Webster opened for them in Louisville Ky, It was so awesome!! Thanks for offering me discounted Rush Tickets . They were using a movie screen behind them that projected really cool images during the show. They were so far ahead of everyone else at the time… and still are.
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