Thursday, March 25, 2010

"Dishing Up Vermont" Cookbook Signing

"In the wooded forest..."

As you may recall, one of my New Year's resolutions was to cook more (now that I have a spacious kitchen and actual pots and pans in Boston). I had every intention of following through on this (and even went as far as writing Post-it notes to myself taped to my fridge!), but as life goes, work got busy and takeout from the local pizza joint just seemed so...easy after a long day crunching numbers. Sigh!

Just as I was about to grab that B.Good burger last week, I checked my Blackberry and who did I get an email from? Why it was food writer / stylist Tracey Medeiros inviting me to checkout her book signing event for her new book "Dishing Up Vermont" at Murray's Cheese Shop New York!  Her cookbook profiles Vermont farmers, chefs and food producers who practice sustainability and applauds its contributors for their dedication to producing fresh, healthy, pesticide-free products. Every ticket sold buys a copy of the book, a glass of wine, a taste of one of Tracey's recipes, and a chance to speak with Tracey in-person. The event is open to the public - see below for the details!

Cookbook Signing / Meet and Greet Party: "Dishing Up Vermont" with Tracey Medeiros

Thursday, April 8, 2010
6:30 - 8:00 PM

$25.00 (Limited seating and early sign-up is recommended)

Murray's Cheese Shop
254 Bleecker Street (btw. 6th and 7th ave.)
New York, NY 10014
Nearest subways: A C E F V B D to West 4th Street 1 to Christopher Street

You can just show up, but to reserve a seat, call Murray's at 212-243-3289 (recommended)


 Congrats #34! - Kristie
" I just made a stuffed meatloaf that was delicious! I think it may be my new favorite! :-)"

Please email financefoodie [at] gmail [dot] com with your mailing address so I can send your prize! You have 2 days (48 hours) to respond or the prize goes to alternate winners


So Tracey's email was enough to make me ditch the B.Good and head home to roast my chicken breasts and boil some pasta (gotta start cooking with baby steps!) But for the advanced cooks out there, Tracey has generously agreed to give one lucky reader their very own copy of "Dishing Up Vermont"! 

There are THREE ways to enter:
1. In my comments section, tell me what is your favorite dish to make (I like making green beans almondine cause its easy and tasty and ummm....sort of healthy!)
2. Follow Finance Foodie on Twitter (leave separate comment telling me this)
3. Reblog / Retweet this giveaway (leave separate comment telling me this)

Contest ended Tuesday March 30 at 5pm EST. Winners will be chosen via random integer generator on announced on the site shortly afterwards that night!


annulla said...

My favorite dish to make? Probably Rizogalo, a sweet Greek comfort food I learned to make while visiting Athens. It is easy, yummy and evokes wonderful memories, too. If you want to check out my recipe, you can see it here:


5webs said...

I love making Chili Verde (it's a family recipe), and Sauerkraut and Pork (also a family recipe).
Alicia Webster

5webs said...

I follow FinanceFoodie on Twitter(5webs)
Alicia Webster

5webs said...

I Tweeted this giveaway
Alicia Webster

mverno said...

Iberico ham and a perfectly fried egg served over crisp, wafer-thin potatoes, chanterelle mushrooms, and truffle oil

Caity said...

I like making baked salmon, because it's quick, easy, healthy and makes me feel semi-gourmet.

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

I love making alfredo sauce with ravioli just seems fancy and so easy to do.

Deborah said...

My current favorite dish to make is roasted root veggies: sweet potatoes, white potatoes, carrots and onions, peeled and cubed, tossed with olive oil and cajun seasoning, roasted at 450 until done (depends on how big you cube them, usually less than 30 minutes for me).

Deborah said...

I'm following financefoodie1 @AsTheNight.

Deborah said...


Mama R. said...

Beef stroganoff is my go-to dish. I never get tired of it!


Colengal said...

Favorite dish?!? for a foodie thats like saying pick your favorite kid.. If pushed, I would say I enjoy making and eating Risotto. and if its spring. Throw in peas or asparagus

spike said...

What to choose, what to choose?

I guess my current fave is devils food mini cupcakes with vanilla frosting...mmm

janeh said...

Vegetarian Chili and Corn Muffins

Benita said...

I like making Pasta with Ricotta. I love the taste of the nutmeg with the orange zest.


Rhonda said...

My fav is apple crisp

rhondastruthers at yahoo do tca

Rhonda said...

I follow

rhondastruthers at yahoo dot ca

Karen P said...

I like making chocolate chip cookies

Melissa B. said...

I like making chicken and sausage gumbo.

SolDucky said...

My favorite to make is pan roasted zucchini squash with a little butter, and lots of garlic and herbs. Simple, but always super tasty!

casey aubut said...

My favorite dish is alfredo lasagna!!

casey aubut said...

Follow FF on Twitter-@tally2525

BookMarc Blogpants said...

My fave dish to make at the moment is pizza. Yeah, not particularly original but I enjoy making it from scratch.

mckelly74 at gmail dot com

Judy B said...

My go-to one dish meal is a rice/bean/kielbasa/spinach dinner. Yum.

judychrz at

Nickolay said...

I love making Lime Grilled Jumbo Shrimp


Nickolay said...



Nickolay said...

Twitter follower



Amanda S. said...

My favorite dish to make is chicken and dumplings.

Julie said...

I enjoy making pizza casserole and home made garlic bread :)

Kathy S said...

My favorite dish to make (at the moment,) is my homemade Potato Gnocci Soup. It's a great comfort food, and has been a great hot meal during this tough Hudson Valley winter! (NO POWER FOR 5 DAYS kind of winter!) HA! Love making chili, pumpkin pie...pretty much love hanging out in my kitchen, chopping and dicing and playing music the whole time!

Lauren: said...

I love making ravioli!

Anonymous said...

Vegetable Lasagna is my favorite!

Kristie said...

I just made a stuffed meatloaf that was delicious! I think it may be my new favorite! :-)

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Brenda Van Wie said...

I am following you on twitter as @AdirondackMetal. I also retweeted yout tweet about the giveaway!

Jinxy and Me said...

I like to make baked ziti because it's easy and my husband LOVES it!

Holly G. said...

Chicken Pot Pie from scratch is my favorite dish to make.

Jen said...

I like making fajitas!

jenniferhuff [at] gmail [dot] com

Dave said...

I'm following you on twitter


A said...

Pot roast. Yep, pot roast. You can change it up each time you make it, which I really like to have fun with. :D

THANK YOU! alisonad23 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love making Lasagne. Its an easy dish and I can add as much cheese and meat as I wish.

07violet said...

veggie chili

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

fancyfeet48 said...

stuffed shells
I would love to win this Thank You for this great giveaway

07violet said...

following on twitter (07violet)

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

Nancy said...

I love to make spaghetti with meat sauce!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

kasey said...

I suppose my favorite to make is pancakes - quick and easy and always tastes yummy
kasey19062 AT aol DOT com

cman said...

Pizza margherita :)

lilyk said...

My favorite dish to make is spaghetti.

Sand said...

I love making Spaghetti Aglio E Olio because it's so easy and so good!

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