Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Win a Trip to Mercedes Benz Fashion Week from Fiber One!

"Walk walk fashion baby..."

As important as it is to carry the season´s must-have handbag, it´s just as important that it´s filled with the right on-the-go essentials. That´s why Fiber One 90 Calorie Chewy Bars make the perfect accessory for a woman´s handbag. These delicious chewy bars perfectly compact and low calorie, making them the ideal fashionista on-the-go snack.

Snack in style with Fiber One 90 Calorie Chewy Bars, the "official snack" of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. From September 1, 2011 through November 30, 2011, visit www.FiberOne.com to enter the "Fiber One Great Taste Giveaway" for a chance to win a trip to Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in February 2012 or, through March 31, 2012, one of 100 $500 gift cards for a designer handbag of your choice.
As a Mercedes Benz Fashion Week veteran (this will be my sixth season in attendance!), I've always relayed on snack bars like the Fiber One 90 calorie chewy bars to keep my energy levels up when running from back-to-back shows! Visit www.FiberOne.com for more information about Fiber One Bars and the "Great Taste Giveaway," and be sure to check out the Fiber One Facebook page to join the conversation and get great style tips.


Congrats #7 - Jessica!

Let's be real, you gotta look good when you're hanging out with fashionistas. Therefore, financefoodie.com has partnered with Fiber One to give one reader a "Get Glam" prize pack to help you look your best - whether you're going to Fashion Week or just going across the street for a gallon of skim milk!
Prize Pack
1 box of Fiber One 90 Calorie Chocolate Chewy Bars
1 chic black cosmetic case
1 pop-out hair brush
1 compact mirror
1 tin of mints

There are THREE ways to enter
1. REQUIRED: In my comments section, tell me what you do when you are on the go and hunger pains strike. Also please include your email address so I can contact you if you win!
2. Follow Finance Foodie on Twitter (leave separate comment telling me this)
3. Reblog / Retweet this giveaway (leave separate comment telling me this)

Contest ends Friday, September 2, 2011 at 5pm EST. Winners will be chosen via random integer generator on random.org announced on the financefoodie.com site shortly afterwards that night!

Full Disclosure: The information and  prize pack has been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark. I was not compensated for this post.


mar said...

When I am on the go and hunger pangs strike, I run to the nearest vending maching for a candy bar.


blue65829 said...

When I'm on the go an hunger strikes I usually get really cranky! And then I hope I've got a snack bag of emerald nuts in my handbag, which I probably don't!

kygirl said...

I grab a bag of chips or granola bar

Anonymous said...

Always carry a small snack in my purse for just such an occasion.

buzzd said...

I always carry a protein bar in my purse for such an emergency (email in profile)

Anonymous said...



Jessica Mullins said...

I try to keep a couple of granola bars or 100 cal bars in the car just in case. Also, little baggies of veggies.


Jessica Mullins said...

Following you on twitter!! :)


Jessica Mullins said...

tweeted ya!



Anonymous said...

I often carry a cereal bar or small bag of pretzels in my purse in case I need something quick to eat while on the go.


Anjelica said...

When I get hungry, I grab a cereal bar and a protein shake. Or just pig out on some chips and guacamole.

Cody said...

I try to pack a small snack with me like almonds or some popcorn, but usually I just get cranky until I eat a meal, haha.


mogrill said...

Sadly I usually go through the nearest drive thru.
Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

Chug water and grab a protein bar!


Jenn S. said...

I grab a bag of chips or something out of the nearest vending machine.

Jenn S. said...

Following on twitter: jashelep

stepperB said...

If I'm on the go and hunger strikes I go for a stick of gum. It tides me over until I can get some proper food.

llinda29 said...

I always carry a food bar

Gary E said...

Unfortunately I hit a fast food restaurant...


Gary E said...

I followed @financefoodie on twitter as GDE71


Unknown said...

I just starve until i get home and make a sandwich :) Thanks for the giveaway!

teenLibrarian said...

I probably will eat out or run to wal mart to the deli when the hunger pangs strike.

s_k_rox at hotmail dot com

teenLibrarian said...

I'm following you on Twitter.


s_k_rox at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I keep a banana or granola bar in my purse at all times.


esldiane@gmail.com said...

When hunger strikes, I scramble though the pantry looking for something sweet and healthy.
Diane Baum

Susan said...

When I'm on the go I always carry something with me whether its a granola bar or fruit. I don't want to make a bad choice at a vending machine or drive thru!

Susan said...

When I'm on the go I always pack something into my handbag whether it be a granola bar and/or a piece of fruit. I don't want to make a bad choice by stopping at a vending machine or drive thru!

Donald said...

I get anything snacky. Cereal, ice cream or chips


regan mae. said...

sunchips to go!

erma2164 said...

When I am on the go and hunger pangs strike, I stop somewhere and get a quick snack.

Erica C. said...

I always have some sort of snack in my purse because I get hungry often. It's usually either fruit snacks or a granola bar.

Tia said...

I grab some fruit

Bonni said...

I really like to eat fiber one bars or the snackwells peanutbutter bars!

Anonymous said...

I eat pistachioes or walnuts!


Whitney said...

When I'm on the go and hunger strikes, I am usually prepared - my big purse has lots of room for healthy snacks like granola bars and crackers!

Morgan said...

When I am on the go and hunger strikes, I usually reach into my purse for a hidden granola bar!


Anonymous said...

I follow Finance Foodie on Twitter as @MorganEdger

Anonymous said...

I tweeted about this giveaway



Unknown said...

I like to carry cereal bars with me in my purse just in case im on the go and get those annoying hunger pangs. Delicious and easy to tote around :)

natashagt (at) live (dot) com

Unknown said...

I follow finance foodie on twitter (@natashagt)

natashagt (at) live (dot) com

ebkev@wowway.com said...

I like to keep granola bars in my car.

DarcyO said...

I snack on a granola bar or some grapes.

dlodden at frontiernet dot net

HolliLynn said...

I eat granola bar, nuts, or chips.

HolliLynn said...

I followed you on twitter. @starryobsession

Anonymous said...

When I am on the go and hunger pains strike I usually reach for a protein drink.

chris said...

I have a bad habit of stopping at a gas station for some candy or chips thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com

chris said...

follow on twitter @eaglesforjack

Anonymous said...

What do I do when a hunger pain strikes? Pull a low cal. Bar out of my purse. I always carry a couple in my purse whether it's for me or one of the kids!

Kathy P said...

i grab something quick like a granola bar or pop tart


susansmoaks said...

when hunger pangs strike i grab a granola bar or a cookie
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

susansmoaks said...


susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I carry snacks with me. I carry fruit, nuts, yogurt or a snack bar. garrettsambo@aol.com

giggling kids said...

I usually keep some kind of granola bar in my purse so when hunger strikes I'll have it.


liliesrnice said...

I stop at a gas station or convenience store for snacks, usually chips.

Anonymous said...

I would LIKE to say that I reach for something healthy and nutritious, but I usually hit up the convenience store and get something salty & greasy or something ridiculously sweet (depending on my mood)!

Dara Nix
kitty32504 at cox dot net

Anonymous said...

I already follow you on Twitter (@Kitty32504)!
kitty32504 at cox dot net

Anonymous said...

Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/Kitty32504/status/109629439985463297
kitty32504 at cox dot net

dvice12 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dvice12 said...

I Follow Finance Foodie on Twitter

Lyudmila said...

eat cookies
lusizova at gmail.com

c allen said...

when i am hungry on the go, i usually make a quick stop at a to go food joint, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said...

twitter follower clallen1971, clallen at ntin dot net

c allen said...

http://twitter.com/#!/clallen1971/status/109682341080870912 clallen at ntin dot net

Anonymous said...

I try to carry something like a ceral bar but if I don't have anything I stop somewhere and will grab a snack wilcarvic

Aliya Abdul said...

If I have absolutely no food on me I'll chew on a piece of gum or suck on a mint or candy.

Aliya Abdul said...

Following @financefoodie1 on twitter (@Raliya6)

Aliya Abdul said...

Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/Raliya6/status/109726287240769538

Sand said...

I carry around almonds or an apple and that helps me when I'm on the go.

atreau at gmail dotcom.

KRISTEN D said...

When HUNGER strikes i usually can fix it fast with a bar or nuts from my on-the-go stash but if not i'm a big fan of pit stops @ starbucks for a snack.

Jessica Mullins said...

So excited! Thanks!!

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