Monday, June 21, 2010

Setting Sail: Bermuda Tourism Luncheon at Asana Boston

By: Finance Foodie 

Well summer has officially arrived in Boston – the birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and the weather has warmed. As I congratulated myself for surviving another frostbite-inducing New England winter, I started to brainstorm possible warm weather vacation destinations for my annual summer vacation (a reward for not freezing to death).

The vacation fairies must have been reading my mind (or tracking my Google searches) because the Bermuda Department of Tourism (BDOT) breezed into town last week and held a luncheon to showcase their tropical island and their new tourism initiatives. The lunch was held at Asana in the Back Bay – which I’ve eaten at a few times before (due to its close proximity to my apartment). Needless to say, I was quite excited for this event – both for the food and the learning opportunity.

The lunch began with a few remarks by William Griffith, the Director of BDOT. In all honesty, I had never considered going to Bermuda before since 1.) It seemed like a destination for old people 2.) There are cheaper alternatives – i.e. if I wanted to lie on a beach, I’d do it in Mexico sipping on $1 Coronas 3.) Lack of activities – my type A, always need to be active personality would probably go stir crazy lying on the beach for a week. However, upon hearing Mr. Griffith speak about how people of all ages and incomes vacation in Bermuda, the genuinely friendly locals, the myriad activities available (golf, spa, snorkeling, scenic tours, etc.), and the excellent cuisine (both at the high and low end) had me reconsidering. When he mentioned that Bermuda was only a two hour plane ride away from NYC (and that Jet Blue was selling $149 round trip tickets) – perfect for a quick weekend trip, he had me sold!
Even the lunch got me in a tropical island mood (such wily marketing!)! The first course was a Maine Lobster Salad, served with Papaya and a Thai vinaigrette. My long time readers know how much I dislike salads (I mean, why on earth would you eat the same thing you feed a rabbit?) - but luckily, the meaty and generously portioned lobster made up for the rawness of the leaves. I do want point out that although my lobster was clean and fresh, my fellow writer Simone’s lobster was not deveined – which was disappointing and pretty gross. Even more insulting, the waiter then tried to unsuccessfully pass off the “lobster excrements” as the salad dressing. No words.
The second course I had was a Seared Filet Mignon drizzled in a Sherry sauce and served with an onion compote and a whisp of mashed potatoes. Although I was tempted to go with the more festive Banana Salsa George Bank Cod, the carnivore cave woman in me decided to go with the more traditional steak. Tender, buttery, and full of flavor – this was a very enjoyable dish.
For dessert, I had a Rhum Baba (rum cake) with a side of vanilla cream and chopped passion fruits. A sweet ending to a sweet lunch! And now, if you will excuse me, I’m going to run a few miles to get swimsuit ready for the beach – see you on the island!

Asana at the Mandarin Oriental Boston
776 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02199
(617) 535-8888

Congrats #10 - Gina, in conjunction with Tortuga Caribbean Rum Cakes, is giving one lucky reader their very own taste of Bermuda – a 32oz Rum Cake in your choice of flavor! I had sampled Tortuga’s cake at the Fancy Food Show last year and whoo wee – the cakes transported me off the (Manhattan) island and on to the (much more relaxing Caribbean) islands! Their cakes are moist and fluffy - and taste like they came straight from Grandmama's oven! 

You can enter up to FIVE times:
1. In my comments section, go to the Tortuga web site and tell me what flavor cake you want to try (I’ve tried most – coconut is my fave – but the banana sounds amazing!)
2. Follow Finance Foodie on Twitter (leave separate comment telling me this)
3. Reblog / Retweet / facebook this giveaway (leave separate comment telling me this)
4. Follow Tortuga on Twitter (leave separate comment telling me this)
5. Become a fan of  Tortuga on Facebook (leave separate comment telling me this)

Contest ended Monday June 28 at 5pm EST. Winners will be chosen via random integer generator on announced on the site shortly afterwards that night!

Asana on Urbanspoon


Traumajunky said...

The banana cake for me. Thanks!

Traumajunky said...

Tortuga on Facebook.

Traumajunky said...

Following Tortuga on Twitter (traumajunky).

Traumajunky said...

Following you on Twitter (traumajunky).


Chocolate Large 33oz Rum Cake

Nicole C. said...

I would love to try the coconut!


Sue said...

Definitely Coconut!! Thanks for the giveway.

s.mickelson at gmail dot com

Gina said...

I would love to try either Key Lime or Coconut.
yummyfaerie at hotmail dot com

Gina said...

I am a fan of Tortuga on Facebook.
yummyfaerie at hotmail dot com

Gina said...

I Follow Tortuga on Twitter.
yummyfaerie at hotmail dot com

Mamushi Love said...

I'd love to try the Blue Mountain Coffee flavor.

PAIGE said...

I want to try the Key Lime Rum Cake. Mmmmmm

debbie said...

I would like to try the key lime,I have some of their other flavors, and they are really good.

tamathamc said...

They all sound amazing but would really like to try the Blue Mountain Coffee Large 33oz Rum Cake

mar said...

I would like to try the chocolate rum cake!

peg42 said...

Your description of these Tortuga cakes has my mouth watering. I'd love to try the Coconut Rum Cake.
Thanks so much for this giveaway.

BowieTip said...


peg42 said...

I Follow Finance Foodie on Twitter (peg42)
Thanks again

peg42 said...

I'm a fan of Tortuga on Facebook (Margaret E. Smith)

peg42 said...

I Follow Tortuga on Twitter (peg42)
Thanks again

peg42 said...

I retweeted:
and shared on FB too.

Anonymous said...

The Pineapple sounds good.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Denise S. said...

I'd love to try the Coconut Rum Cake!

ky2here said...

Also following tortugarumco on twitter as ky2here1.

ky2here said...

Following finance foodie on twitter as ky2here1.

ky2here said...

Blue Mountain Coffee Large 33oz Rum Cake sounds fantastic.

ky2here said...

Might as well toss in a tweet:

Kiara said...

I would like to try the Chocolate Large 33oz Rum Cake.

abfantom said...

I would love to try Tortuga Rum Company's Chocolate Rum cake

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Bobbie Denise Cole said...

I would love to try the coconut.

emtstacey76 said...

I would love to try the pineapple!

Laura C said...

I would like to try cinnamon raisin. said...

I want to try the banana cake.

Rhonda Petersen said...

I would also love the Coconut Rum cake. I'm sure it would be awesome. Thanks

Amanda said...

The Coconut or Pineapple cake sounds totally delicious! thanks for the chance to win!

Laura C said...

Follow Finance Foodie on twitter.

stepperB said...

I'd like to try the pineapple, wonder if it has a pina colada taste with the rum cake.

mogrill said...

Id like the Coconut.
Thanks for the chance.

The Taylor Bunch said...

tortuga on facebook
joni taylor
jonilynntaylor at gmail dot com

The Taylor Bunch said...

my hubs would def say chocolate
jonilynntaylor at gmail dot com

Deborah said...

I'd like to try the Original...really, I'd like to try the Coconut but no one else in my family likes coconut (they're odd).

Deborah said...

I follow financefoodie1 on Twitter @AsTheNight.

Deborah said...


Deborah said...

I 'like' Tortuga Rum Cake Company on FB id: Deborah Rosen.

Deborah said...

I follow TortugaRumCo on Twitter @AsTheNight.

Sue E said...

Too bad they don't have a sampler, so I could try several flavors! They all sound delicious, guess I'll choose coconut since you liked it best.

Sue E said...

I follow you on Twitter as suebaby05.

Sue E said...

I follow Tortuga on Twitter as suebaby05.

Sue E said...

FB Fan of Tortuga Rum Cake Company

Sue E said...


Andie said...

I follow financefoodie1 on twitter!

Andie said...

i follow @tortuga on twitter.

Andie said...

Coconut sounds divine! Rum and can that be bad?!?!?

Andie said...

I tweeted about the lovely site, and contest!

sksweeps said...

I'd love the Rum Fudge (Case of 6) !

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

llinda29 said...

I want Original Golden Large 33oz Rum Cake (with Walnuts)

sweetsue said...

Chocolate sounds delicious!
smchester at gmail dot com

sweetsue said...

I am following financefoodie1 on twitter as ptowngirl.
smchester at gmail dot com

ShyMommy said...

I am a Facebook fan of Tortuga Rum Cakes. (Danica D.)

Winterbreeze85 @ yahoo dot com

ShyMommy said...

The cinnamon raisin rum cake calls my name!

Winterbreeze85 @ yahoo dot com

julis55 said...

Definitely Coconut

Anonymous said...

I would love to try the Original Golden Large 33oz Rum Cake (with Walnuts)! Thanks for the chance!

baller19822002 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I Follow Finance Foodie on Twitter.

baller19822002 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...


baller19822002 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow Tortuga on Twitter. @femalebiker21

baller19822002 at yahoo dot com

lsfish said...

I would love to try the pineapple flavor

stowelljg said...

Wow! There are so many great things at the Tortuga Rum Company, Ltd., site! I would really like the Cinnamon Raisin Large 33oz Rum Cake. Yum! Too bad they don’t offer a turtle rum cake (pecans, caramel, and chocolate) since “tortuga” is Spanish for turtle!

stowelljg said...

I'm following Finance Foodie on Twitter (@stowelljg)

stowelljg said...

I'm following Tortuga Caribbean Rum Cakes on Twitter (@stowelljg).

stowelljg said...


Unknown said...

i would LOVE to try the cocanut!

Unknown said...

The coconut I would Love to try!!

Unknown said...

Coconut cake I would love to try!

Amanda said...

Since I am a chocoholic, that's what I'd love to try!


Katie said...

Coconut sounds the best! I love all things Coconut!
katiekarr at gmail dot com

Mom Caboodle said...

I would love to try the Pineapple Rum Cake.

Mom Caboodle said...

fan of Tortuga on Facebook (Shanna Bailes)

Mom Caboodle said...

Follow Tortuga on Twitter

stowelljg said...


Missybeez said...

Finance Foodie on Twitter @Missybeez80

Missybeez said...

I would like the banana.

stowelljg said...


clynsg said...

Chocolate is always my first choice, so since they have a chocolate one, easy decision.

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

Mary A said...

I've tried the original flavor and they are yummy. I would also like to try the Key Lime. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

Banana of course! I love anything banana flavored especially banana smoothies haha I used to have a banana tree in my backyard but Hurricane Ike killed it :( I miss it so much!

Unknown said...

Follow Tortuga which means turtle in spanish, on twitter. @tvandbookaddict

Unknown said...

Follow you on twitter now. @tvandbookaddict

stowelljg said...


heaventrees said...

I love the Original Tortuga Rum Cake but would like to try the Chocolate Cake next.

Aisling said...

I'd most like to try the Key Lime Cake.

Robin T said...

I love to try their chocolate rum cake

bison61 said...

I would pick coconut

tiramisu392 (at)

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am following via Twitter as jlsc123.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I would love to try the Chocolate Rum Cake from Tortuga.
Thank you so much for the giveaway.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am a fan of Tortuga via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am following Tortuga via Twitter as jlsc123.


Kim said...

i want to try the pineapple.

Anonymous said...

Chocolate would be my flavor of choice!

Katie R said...

I would like to try the chocolate rum cake.

Leslie S. said...

I want to try the pineapple rum cake. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I'd like to try the Chocolate Large 33oz Rum Cake

macd9900 at gmail dot com

checkers said...

The Pineapple cake I picked since I love anything pineapple.

checkers said...

Following you on Twitter,id- checkkers

checkers said...


checkers said...

I Become a fan of Tortuga on Facebook.
id-checkers casson

checkers said...

I'm Following Tortuga on Twitter
id checkkers

stowelljg said...


idahomom said...

I would love Chocolate Large 33oz Rum Cake. It sounds decadent.

idahomom said...

Kathy N Scott likes Tortuga on facebook.

idahomom said...

idahomom7 is following tortuga on twitter

idahomom said...

idahomom7 is following you on twitter

idahomom said...

Anonymous said...

I think I'd like to try the pineapple---that combined with rum sounds very summery to me.

HollieInNH said...

I follow you on Facebook.

HollieInNH said...

I have to go with banana...yum!

tawndam said...

didn't see any 32 oz... hoping it's a typo... ;-) The Chocolate Large 33oz Rum Cake sounds yummy

Louis H said...

I really like the Pineapple Large 33oz Rum Cake

Louis H said...

following financefoodie1 on twitter @rosidentevil

Louis H said...

following TortugaRumCo on twitter @rosidentevil

Louis H said...

I like Tortuga Rum Cake Company on FaceBook (louis huff) :)

Louis H said...

I tweeted

Rosa said...

I'd like to try the Original Golden Rum Cake with Walnuts.


Steph said...

I think the Chocolate Large 33oz Rum Cake sounds delicious.

rah267 said...
I want to try pineapple

Unknown said...

Coconut or Chocolate. Both sound good!
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Samantha said...

coconut for SURE.
Love my coconut :)

Unknown said...

Would love to try the pineapple, mmm...

brownhairgirl7 said...

I would most like to try the Coconut Rum Cake.

brownhairgirl7 said...

I follow Tortuga on Twitter (username MissJo1990).

brownhairgirl7 said...

I follow Finance Foodie on Twitter (username MissJo1990).

brownhairgirl7 said...

I tweeted the giveaway:

AB Smith said...

Coconut Rum Cake definitely!

thanks for sponsoring this.


AB Smith said...

i follow you on twitter - 2kidsblogger

AB Smith said...

a fan of Tortuga on Facebook


AB Smith said...

i follow TortugaRumCo - 2kidsblogger

Hotsnotty2 said...

I would love to try Tortuga Rum Company's Chocolate Rum cake, thanks!

Hbomb said...

xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com

Hbomb said...

I follow tortuga via twitter (@xbeautifulcoma)
xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com

Hbomb said...

I follow you via twitter (@xbeautifulcoma)
xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com

Sand said...

I'd love to try the key lime flavor!

katybaby said...

Follow Finance Foodie on Twitter (@katyjv1988)

katybaby said...

I want to try the coconut cake!

katybaby said...



katybaby said...

fan of Tortuga on FB (Katy Smith)

katybaby said...

Follow Tortuga on Twitter (@katyjv1988)

Anonymous said...

The Blue Mountain Coffee flavor sounds so good tonight, but I expect tomorrow the coconut would win out.

Jessilyn82 said...

I'd love to try the Key Lime Flavor

Jessilyn82 said...

I follow on Twitter as Jessilyn82

Jessilyn82 said...



Jessilyn82 said...

Liked Tortuga on facebook
jessica h

Jessilyn82 said...

I follow Tortuga on Twitter as Jessilyn82

Anonymous said...

Key Lime sounds yummy to me!
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

Jennai said...

OOoooooh, I'd want the Blue Mountain Coffee Large 33oz Rum Cake
HobartsMama {AT} AOL.COM

Jennai said...

I like Tortuga on Facebook
Carol Anderson Ezovski
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

Jennai said...

I follow Tortuga on Twitter @cezovski
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

Jennai said...

I follow you on Twitter @cezovski
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

stowelljg said...


Melissa B. said...

Original Golden Rum Cake (with Walnuts)

Laura C said...

follow Tortuga on twitter

Laura C said...

Tortuga on facebook

Anne said...

I'd go for the pineapple rum cake
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

Anne said...

I am a facebook fan (Anne Jolly) of tortuga

Anne said...

I follow tortuga on twitter, lunaj1456

Anne said...

I follow you on twitter, lunaj1456

ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I want to try Coconut.

Anonymous said...

I became a fan of Tortuga on Facebook.

Pamela S said...

I'd love to try the Lime. And I went to Bermuda for my honeymoon and it was GREAT! So go!

Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)aol(DOT)com

Michelle B said...

I would like to try the chocolate one

Michelle B said...

Following fiancefoodie on twitter

Michelle B said...

Following Tortuga on Twitter

Michelle B said...

A fan of Tortuga on Facebook
angels abode

ladyvon5845 said...

The Pineapple sounds great.

susansmoaks said...

i follow you on twitter @fdp4life
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

susansmoaks said...

i want to try the coconut cake
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

07violet said...

chocolate, they all sound good though

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

07violet said...

following you on twitter (07violet)

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

plhill2000 said...

I would love the Blue Mountain Coffee Cake.

07violet said...

following Tortuga on twitter (07violet)

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Feelin' like a pirate,
by gum—
would luv me a cake
of Pineapple Rum!

riceburns (at) hotmail (dot) com

susan1215 said...

I'd like to try the chocolate flavor

susan1215 said...

Tortuga facebook fan

susan1215 said...

follow Tortuga via twitter susan1215

cman said...

Chocolate Large 33oz Rum Cake

Unknown said...

The banana cake

Anonymous said...

follow you twitter


Anonymous said...

I want to try their key lime!

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said...

liked them facebook

rich hicks

Anonymous said...

follow them twitter


Anonymous said...


tina reynolds said...

I would love the pineapple thanks for the chance to win

tina reynolds said...

I like Tortuga Rum Cake Company on facebook (mrstinareynolds)

tina reynolds said...

i Follow Tortuga on Twitter @mrstinareynolds

Maja said...

coconut rum cake. i love coconut anything.

Maja said...

like tortuga on facedbook maja meza

Maja said...

follow tortuga on twitter @majameza

Kathy P said...

id love to try the Coconut Large 33oz Rum Cake

Kathy P said...

like tortuga on facebook Kathy L Pease

Kathy P said...

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