Congratulations #63 #40 and #44- purango, sharonjo, and Storm!
Please email financefoodie [at] gmail [dot] com with your mailing address so I can send your prize! You have three (3) days to claim your prize before it goes to an alternate winner
Please email financefoodie [at] gmail [dot] com with your mailing address so I can send your prize! You have three (3) days to claim your prize before it goes to an alternate winner
…Continued from Part 1 (see previous post)
I received a follow up email from the folks at MyBlogSpark shortly after posting my review on the Yoplait Whips and the Wanchai Ferry frozen meals. Apparently, they were disappointed to hear that the Whips were not to my liking for breakfast, so they remediated this situation by sending me a 4-pack of Yoplait’s new (breakfast appropriate) Fiber One yogurts. Once again, I pushed aside my attempt at learning to cook and agreed (not unhappily) to be the guinea pig for this project.
The Fiber One yogurts come in 4 flavors - vanilla, key lime, strawberry, and peach - and have only 50 calories and 5 grams of fiber per cup, which is awesome since I just started my “fit into my high school jeans” diet (again). The extra dose of fiber kept me really full until lunchtime and helped me avoid the office’s uber-tempting Peanut M&M jar. If I lived in a land of no calories, I would have McDonald’s McGriddles everyday for breakfast (McDonald’s – If you are reading this, I want to be your product tester! Call me!). But since I live in a world where staying fit and being slim are ever omnipresent, these Fiber One yogurt cups are certainly a tasty, low-calorie, and healthy alternative for my non-splurge days!

“What do you do to manage your weight?”
BONUS: an extra entry for those who “tweet” about this post on their Twitter. If you do tweet, please leave an additional comment with your twitter link.
I will pick THREE winners with a random number generator in 5 days (Aug 24). Comments will close at 5:00pm EST and winners will be announced later in the evening.
Look forward to reading your tips!
I try to have self control. I liked the whips but they were not outstanding, I liked the regular ones with the new flavors like the cinnamon buns ( and apple pie). Would love to try the fiber one and do love they have small portions so you can stop without forcing yourself to finish up a product.
I go running with my daughter when she is training for cross country and track. It gives us something to do together. It also makes me not worry about her running alone in the evenings and it helps keep me fit.
I exercise (cardio and weights) 4-5 times a week and balance this with a (somewhat) healthy diet. Managing what you eat will let you lose your weight, and exercising is what maintains your weight, so you need to pay attention to both aspects!
I limit my chocolate and sugar intake(this is the hardest),I try to do portion control & when possible drink LOTS and LOTS of water and try and up my fiber intake all I can.Its all about trying I think.
I try to stay active and keep junk food out of the house.
Thanks for the giveaway!...I would love to win this.... =D
eat less and walk
I exercise 6 days a week
It's not that hard for me to manage my weight. I eat a lot of fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean proteins.
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I use a Stevia as a sweetner and make my own iced tea instead of drinking pop so there aren't any empty calories, thanks.
I've radically changed my diet since the Spring and I've lost 30 pounds already. I try to keep a regular schedule and always eat a light breakfast (usually something whole grain). I eat a very light lunch and then a normal supper. I don't snack at all after supper before bed. Thanks for the opportunity!
I keep the junk food out of the house. Now that I am an adult, I have all the control of what's in my kitchen. I keep lots of fruit and veggies and lean proteins, and minimal snacking items. My only vice that I regularly indulge? CHOCOLATE. Always a Dove Chocolate bar on hand.
I would SO love to win these!! Thanks for the chance.
I manage my weight by drinking a carnation instant breakfast three times a day in place of three meals.
Our family avoids junk food and try to live a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy,exercising and keeping our life organized and in balance.
Ride my bike to work
I avoid processed foods. Stick to the sides of the supermarket.
I tweeted:
I have a major sweet tooth so it can be hard to manage my weight. I try to cut down on carbs and try to drink water before meals so I feel fuller and don't overeat.
I eat six small meals a day instead of 3 big ones. I also try to drink about 8oz of water an hour.
I like to always have a cheat day, so I follow a healthy diet 6 days a week and am allowed to have what i want on the 7th day. I also work with kids and get plenty of exercise that way.
To manage my weight, I walk everyday and drink lots of water instead of soda. I eat what I think is a well-balanced diet.
What a great contest! Two years ago I dropped 42 lbs and I have kept it off ever since! To manage my weight I learned to make better food choices which means eating at home instead of eating out or when I eat out I pre-check menus and make sure that I decide what I want ahead of time or I have the restaurant throw together something similar to a menu item without the unhealthier ingredients for example if it's a sandwich I substitute toasted buttered bread for wheat bread, eliminate cheese and have mustard instead of mayo. It makes me sound like the picky annoying girl but I always try to make the waiters work easy as well as make my choice healthier.
I Tweeted you!
I chase after my two boys all day (3&1). Thanks :)
I try to eat right.
I chase preschool children all day. Thank you
I take a walk everyday! :)
Right now I am on a special diet for my allergies and that is helping, but on a normal week I just try to exercise more and eat less
Drink lots of water, eat whole grains and veggies/fruits, low on the saturated fat, exercise regularly
i eat yogurt and use sweetener. i don't really manage my weight, i just try not to stand in front of the stampede.
At the moment I can't exercise very well, but I always watch my diet and eat a good mix of foods, and we very rarely eat fast food. So far it's working!
I exercise atleast 5 days a week and make healthy food choices.
I exercise a few times a week.
Diane Baum
I find that if I keep track of weight on a daily basis I get an idea of what I can eat without gaining weight and what I can't.
I exercise 3 times a week with weigh lifting. I eat a high fiber low sugar diet with lots of fruits and veggies.
I watch what I eat and walk for exercise with my Mom! Thanks!
I try to limit how many sweets I eat and walk as much as possible.
I control my weight by using lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. A fave snack is making a smoothie with yogurt, fruit and ice. Yum!
I try to start off each meal with a serving of fruit and a glass of water - it cuts down what I eat the rest of the meal significantly, and it's good for me!
I try to run 3-5 miles every other day! Thanks!
I have had weight issues since a kid. I have finally started working out and watching what I eat and I am slowly losing weight. But it is hard.
I only eat things light in calories or healthy in fiber.
It's easiest for me to control my weight when I weigh myself every day.
I walk a lot and I stay hydrated
I basically only drink water or hot tea or decaf coffee with a splash of milk. I steer clear of empty drink calories in sweetened fruit juice and soda. I occasionally splurge with a glass of wine, but drink calories can be very deceiving. It is too easy to drink calories that you don't even notice. Soda of any kind has no redeeming feature whatsoever.
I don't really try to manage my weight. I just try to keep it contained in comfortable clothes.
Eat right and exercise!
Exercise 5-6 times per week, control what I eat.
I simply eat small portion of everything!
I try to eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods
Thanks for commenting on my blog! Yes, we are giving away 3 Yoplait Fiber One Gift Packs as well!
I love Fiber One so I hope I win.
How I manage my weight,I workout 3 days a week,swim &walk with my kids
Portion control and LOTS of water!
Eating whole grains, nuts, olive oil, fruits and veggies, and dark chocolate works for me. Walking helps as well.
alterna7 at hotmail dot com
I eat a healthy diet and work out 3 days a week.
workout lots of water small meals with snacks in between like fiber one options thanks for the chance to win
i tweeted thanks for the chance to win
I manage my weight by limiting my calorie intake.
i don't do a very good job of keeping excess weight off, but i know that in order to do that, i need to eat right and exercise.
Since I found out I was pregnant, I've quit eating at fast food restaurants, cut out the soda, and have been eating much more fruits and veggies. I also like doing yoga.
I excercise and try for the most part to eat right.
watch my food intake
I try to not eat fatty fried foods, or trans fats.
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