Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Do you Give a Cup? Peet’s Give A Cup Social Sampling Experiment.

By: Finance Foodie, in collaboration with Peet's Coffee

Anyone who drinks Peet’s coffee knows how uncompromising they are when it comes to flavor. So when they started working on their Single Cups, they took their time – 5 years, to be exact. They worked to perfect each blend, using more coffee than most, designing a specific dose for each blend, and using a different kind of filter than allows more flavor to pass into the cup.
Image and value provided by our partner, Peet's

To celebrate this journey, Peet's is launching Give A Cup, the Internet's very first social sampling experiment. Each week, you can go to doyougiveacup.com and vote on a topic. The topics are fun, current and sometimes a bit quirky. Your votes determine where Peet's host their sampling events each week. Give a Cup about kale? Maybe we’ll show up at a farmer’s market. Don’t give a cup about kale? See you at the chocolate store down the street. It’s up to you and America to decide where they go so vote, share, and participate!
Image and value provided by our partner, Peet's

Because I am working in collaboration with the company, Peet's has asked me what I personally 'Give A Cup' about. The answer is obviously everything that I have done with my website, Finance Foodie. I have been nicknamed the “Finance Foodie” ever since my sophomore year in college at Texas. It was that year that I formed The Supper Club, a culinary club dedicated to trying new restaurants around town. I would look forward to our weekly gatherings; not only was it a chance to try a new local delicacy, but it also was a great time to reconnect with good friends after a long week of learning the “Other F” (Finance).
After graduation, I moved to New York City for a job in the field of the “Other F”. Due to the mentally demanding nature of the role, I had to work extra hard to climb the steep learning curve, which meant long hours and dinners in the office most nights of the week. However, I definitely made sure to take advantage of those rare occasions that I was out of the office by dinnertime. New York City is a food lover’s paradise and my two years there were spent basking in all of its culinary glory.  As a food lover who has (thankfully) lived a fiscally blessed existence, I could not fathom a life without food – yet so many people in this world go hungry every night because they cannot afford this basic need. Therefore, my nights and weekends are now dedicated to finding creative ways in bringing together the world of non-profits with the food and beverage industry. Being a finance professional by day and a foodie philanthropist by night has really helped put perspective in my life. It’s with perspective that spurs me to give back and build a strong community so everyone can enjoy these fruits of labor.

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